Short-term projects back Leith museum bid

A NUMBER of short-term projects to preserve Leith's history could be unveiled as a prelude to a permanent exhibition.

Campaigners calling for a Leith museum have announced that numerous smaller projects, including a mobile display and oral history exhibit, will run as the campaign for an established facility continues.

Campaign spokesman Steve Mitchell said: "While these initiatives are valid in their own right they will also keep a momentum behind the wish to create a permanent museum in which these materials and other artefacts could be displayed."

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The Leith Museum Group has identified the National Museums of Scotland building at Leith Custom House as the ideal venue.

The museum campaign, which is supported by local politicians, community leaders, the city council, Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothian and the Scottish Museums Council, goes before the Scottish Parliament petitions committee tomorrow.

The group intends to adopt charitable status to aid fundraising for the museum.