Letter: Riot actors

THE televised reporting of the weekend rioting in London was a total disgrace.

The "blitz" which was perpetrated by scores of young thugs and vandals was nothing less than utter lawlessness and yet another example of how fast this nation is heading towards a Mad Max atmosphere becoming the norm in many of our cities.

Rather than report the devastation as such, however, the coverage attempted to persuade the audience that the uprising was a consequence of the police apparently failing to connect with the local communities.

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What an utter abdication of the fundamental facts; the locals didn't think the police authorities "understood" them so their answer was to riot, burn, loot, pillage and attack officers with anything they could find to inflict damage - then destroy their community.

How on earth can television reporters try to justify such reasoning or behaviour and, in doing so, help to glorify the cause of those perpetrating it instead of convincing viewers that it is nothing more than utter criminality?

Donald Ford

Tayside Street


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