Letter: Israel hypocrisy

WE write to raise a Jewish voice against the actions of the Israeli government and the hypocrisy of its claim that it is seeking peace.

Even as peace negotiations are meant to be taking place, Israel has allowed its citizens to recommence settlement building on occupied Palestinian land; and now we learn that the Israeli army has boarded the small boat sent by Jewish peace groups to bring relief and fraternal support to Palestinians under siege in Gaza.

The Irene is sailing under a British flag, and passengers and crew (two of whom are British) have made clear they would not engage in any physical confrontation and would not give the Israelis any pretext to use physical force.

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Eight out of the nine people on board are Jewish, including an Israeli who lost his daughter in a suicide bombing in 1997 and is a founding member of Parents' Circle - Families Forum, which brings together bereaved Palestinians and Israelis.

Scottish Jews for a Just Piece has supported the boat, which is co-sponsored by the British-based Jews for Justice for Palestinians, and we call on our political leaders to express their support and for their message of resistance to this cruel and illegal occupation.

Sarah Glynn, David Simons, Liz Elkind, Catherine Lyons, Maurice Naftalin, Barrie Levine

Scottish Jews for a Just Peace

Ibrox Street, Glasgow