Letter: Futile action

FEELINGS are running high in Portobello (Letters, 5 April), but the anger within the community is due to the futile legal appeal and tactics of those campaigning against the new high school.

The Portobello Park Action Group (PPAG) continues to tell people that housing will be built on the park, even though there are no such plans and such a proposal would be incompatible with the Common Good status of the land.

Such misrepresentations only inflame local opinion.

Enough is enough: the Portobello Park Action Group had its day in court, and lost comprehensively.

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We’re not talking about an incinerator, landfill site or bypass.

We’re talking about a desperately needed new school, for goodness sake.

To drag this out further will only cause more distress, disruption and cost.

PPAG should think carefully about the impact of its actions, and withdraw its appeal.

Sean Watters

Brighton Place


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