Letter: Abertay union

As president of Abertay Dundee University and College Union, I would like to correct a number of inaccuracies contained in your report, "Lecturers back suspension of 'dictatorial' Abertay head" (3 February).

These relate to the union's stance as regards the current situation at the university.

It is factually incorrect to say that the union supports the University Court in suspending the principal, because as yet no University Court decision has been made in relation to his suspension.

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This is in fact an action associated with the chair of court, which will be debated by University Court in due course. We cannot support (or otherwise) a court decision that is yet to be made.

Moreover, as union president I would also like to clarify that as a staff group we are prepared to work closely with the current interim management team, which the acting principal has selected, filling the reported "power vacuum", to help meet the day-to-day responsibilities we have as a university. However, full support for management now and into the future is conditional on a number of guarantees being received; guarantees relating to the governance of the institution.

A motion to that effect was passed unanimously at a well attended and positive branch meeting on 2 February.

(Dr) Andrew Samuel

President ADUCU

University of Abertay
