Inclusive church

I am a lay representative of my Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway, and I was in attendance at the recent General Synod where long debates were held on the subject of marriage.

Ronald Shewan (Letters, 27 June) accuses the Bishops of having enshrined marriage equality into our canon law without consent from its members, which is an accusation that is simply false.

A decision has been taken by the Church to begin exploring changes that, if they are approved in two years’ time, would potentially allow those priests who wish to do so to conduct marriages between individuals of the same sex.

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The decision to pursue this was ultimately made by a vote of 110 for to nine against of the democratically elected representatives of the Church – laity and clergy as well as the seven Bishops.

I believe that when decisions are made that take us in the way of greater equality and wider inclusion, everyone wins.

I believe that the Scottish Episcopal Church’s strength lies in its holding and accepting of diverse views.

As a gay woman, there have been many times when I have felt disenfranchised and betrayed by organised religion.

Mr Shewan does not speak for all of us. I am indeed very proud of my Church, and I am particularly proud of Bishop Mark for the courage he has shown in speaking publicly about his views and his personal experience.

(Dr) Beth Routledge

Convenor, Changing Attitude Scotland


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