Theatre review: Bi-Cycle, Underbelly - George Square, Edinburgh

Bi-Cycle, Underbelly - George Square (Venue 300)Bi-Cycle, Underbelly - George Square (Venue 300)
Bi-Cycle, Underbelly - George Square (Venue 300)
The energy and intensity of solo performer Sam Anderson’s set is impossible to fault, as he performs through an ebbing and flowing impersonation of a pumped-up Sydney spin class instructor who is taking us through an exercise routine which will leave us transformed as people by the time we’re done.

Bi-Cycle, Underbelly - George Square, Edinburgh * *

Yet part of our sense of vicarious exhaustion might come from the fact that he appears almost to be performing two overlapping shows at the same time; one, a light, audience-interactive comedy skit as the spin instructor; the other, as a bisexual man attempting to exorcise any guilt which he may have been made to feel about his sexuality.

It feels somewhat like an excuse to use that title.

Until 26 August (not 13)

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