Bridge - The Scotsman 30/04/2012

Scottish bridge recently lost Dr Jimmy Allan in his 97th year.

Jimmy learned bridge before the Second World War, represented Scotland in Camrose matches with fellow GP Galloway Shearer, and won many national contests. Born in Grantown-on-Spey, he acted as a roving bridge ambassador, taking teams North to play friendlies. Jimmy was always a gentleman at the table, an example to us all.

Jimmy reported this uncultured auction in an early SBUNews. The single raise of the strong two opener promised heart support and an ace, so South blasted the Grand Slam. West led the jack of spades, and the contract appeared to depend on the diamond finesse. On the second round of trump East discarded an encouraging nine of diamonds. Declarer took the card at face value, and changed tack. He cashed three clubs and ace of spades, then ran hearts to this ending:

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On the last club West threw a diamond: a spade allows declarer to lead the queen from dummy, pinning his ten. East could not afford a spade either, so he threw the jack of diamonds. Declarer cashed the ace of diamonds, ruffed a spade, and made trick thirteen with the two of diamonds.