Bridge - The Scotsman 20/04/2012

Friday’s puzzle...

THE Swedish and Dutch teams, two of the favourites for the Women’s European Championships, played a practice match recently. Marion Michelsen of the Netherlands had no methods to describe a strong 4441 distribution, so she classified this South hand as a balanced 24-25. As the auction wound its way to 6S the Swedish East, Kathrine Bertheau, was thinking hard.

A heart lead would beat the slam if dummy had the king, so she ventured a double of the final contract. Such a double may indicate a bad trump break, but should be treated as Lightner, asking for an unexpected lead.

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The doubler may have a void which she hopes partner can identify. If unsure the leader normally picks dummy’s suit.

Everyone read the double correctly, and Jessica Larsson duly led a heart. But Michelsen knew that only one heart would cash, so she redoubled. When the ace of hearts was ruffed poor Bertheau had to check the back of her bidding card to discover a score of -2070, a loss of 12 imps against 6S undoubled in the other room.

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