Bridge - The Scotsman, 18/02/13

The Scottish Women’s Teams returned to its new venue in Kinross this year. Winners were the Dundee team of Shiena Lang, Liz Hunter, Moira McGregor and Ann Griffiths.

The Scottish Women’s Teams returned to its new venue in Kinross this year. Winners were the Dundee team of Shiena Lang, Liz Hunter, Moira McGregor and Ann Griffiths.

The dealing machine produced more than the usual ration of slam boards, including several possible Grands. On this deal East got lucky after a featherweight opening bid, justified(?) by her good spades. West made a simple change of suit response, waiting to find out more, and East rebid her other major. Now came Fourth Suit, forcing to game in this partnership, and East bid an uncomfortable 3NT. 5NT was ambiguous: intended as forcing to at least 6NT and investigating a Grand Slam, it was interpreted as Pickaslam. East’s initial reaction was to pass in panic, but the bid was clearly forcing and partnership harmony requires one to respond to a forcing bid. She completed a picture of a rather better hand by bidding 6D, confirming her 5440 distribution, and was somewhat alarmed when West bid on to 7D. This is in fact a pretty good spot, especially when North led a trump, the traditional lead against a grand slam. Declarer won, ruffed a club, played a second trump, ruffed another club, returned to a heart, drew the last trump and claimed.

Where East passed initially West could show a big balanced hand, but it was too difficult to locate the 4-4 diamond fit, and most played in 6NT.

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