Bridge - The Scotsman 12/04/2012

Thursday’s puzzle...

This deal from a Scottish Plate match was reported by Finlay Marshall. As dummy he was interested to observe his first real live Smother Play.

Bill Innes opened a 14-16 1NT, and Marshall transferred to hearts. West led the two of diamonds, won by the jack. Innes led a heart from dummy and East rose with the ace to return a diamond to the king. Declarer led a spade towards dummy, West took the ace and played a third diamond. Innes cashed the king of spades, discarding a club, and ruffed his third spade. He ran the jack of hearts successfully, but West showed out. He cashed the ace of clubs, felling East’s king, and played another club from dummy in this position (lower image):

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He had already made seven tricks, so his contract was assured. Had East ruffed the club he makes ten tricks with two hearts and the queen of clubs, but East declined to ruff a loser. He discarded his last spade, and the queen of clubs scored. Innes exited with a club to the jack, and East discarded the nine of diamonds. Now a club from West allows East to overruff dummy, but he led a spade! Declarer ruffed with dummy’s nine. If East underruffs declarer makes trick thirteen with his king; if he overruffs declarer makes trick 13 with dummy’s ten of hearts.