
Friday's bridge...

THE Multi 2D has been around for a while, but it has never lost its popularity, as partnerships find different meanings for opening bids of 2H and 2S. This example, from the Senior Camrose, illustrates how important it is to discuss your defences in detail.

South intervened in the Scottish Multi auction with a rather heavy 2NT. North might have passed this, since the normal range is about 17-19. He appears to have had a senior moment, perhaps imagining that 3D was a cuebid, looking for a 4-4 major fit.

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The Welsh North-South was a relatively untried pairing, but over a natural 2NT overcall most partnerships play all their normal responses to a 2NT opener.

South "knew" 3D was a transfer to hearts, and with his super-maximum he decided to bid game, even though he had only three trump. West concentrated on looking bored, and North pondered. He tried 5C, but after the ponder South felt ethically obliged to return to 5H.

If West doubles there is a way out, into 6C, which can actually be made (East is squeezed in spades and diamonds). So West left his opponents to play in a contract he knew was bound to fail. The king of hearts lead brought the defenders five trump tricks, a spade and two diamonds for five down, -250.

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