Norway shooting timeline: How Utoya murders unfolded

3:26pm: A loud explosion caused by a car bomb shatters windows and leads to evacuations of office buildings near the government headquarters in central Oslo. Eight people are killed.

About 5pm: A man dressed in a police uniform arrives on the island of Utoya, where the Labour Party is holding a summer camp for its youth wing.

5:10pm: Noises are heard from the shoreline of Utoya. Panic breaks out when it is found to be gunfire.

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5:15pm: The suspect goes from tent to tent, shooting at random. Youths try to flee the island to escape him or attempt to hide.

5:27pm: Police are notified of the ongoing massacre.

5:38pm: A SWAT team is dispatched from Oslo. It drives, deciding that starting a police helicopter would take longer.

By 6pm: The team arrives at the lake, but struggles to find a boat to cross over.

6:20pm: The Swat team arrives on the island. The suspect continues shooting.

6:35pm: The suspect puts down his weapons and surrenders to police.

7:50pm: Police say they are linking the two attacks.