Doubt cast on ‘bedroom tax’ exemptions

DISABILITY campaigners have challenged a claim by the Prime Minister that people with a live-in carer will be exempt from the “bedroom tax”.

Under UK government welfare reforms households deemed to have one spare bedroom will have their benefit reduced by 14 per cent of their eligible rent, while those with two spare bedrooms will face a reduction of 25 per cent.

Speaking at Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday, David Cameron said: “Anyone who needs to have a carer sleeping in another bedroom is exempt from the spare room subsidy.”

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But disability group Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Scotland said the statement contradicts advice it has received from the Department for Work and Pensions. MND sufferers often find it difficult to share a marital bed, forcing their partners to sleep in another bedroom.

A spokeswoman for the charity said: “We call on the DWP and UK government to exempt from the bedroom tax those who have had their homes significantly adapted for their needs and/or are unable to share a bedroom due to an array of medical equipment necessary to keep them safe during the night.”