Scots not defined by their sexuality

JUST as society is learning not to define people by their characteristics, be it sexuality, disability, age etc, Scotland on Sunday does just that by presenting its readers with a tawdry slide show of the “50 most influential gay Scots” (The Pink Scotland List, 16 February).

What is that supposed to tell us? That 50 people from the world of politics, the media, the arts etc who, through their hard work, dedication and sheer talent just happen to be gay? Is that news? Or for Scotland on Sunday is it just that being gay is somehow sexier (small “s”) than the other characteristics protected by the 2010 Equality Act?

I hope I am wrong and that we can look forward to seeing articles on Scotland’s 50 most influential disabled people. Or Scotland’s 50 most influential old people?

Message to Scotland on Sunday: Some people are gay – get over it.

W Smith, Ayr

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