Scotland charged fairly for energy

J MORGAN (Letters, 11 April) needs to be informed that there are no "English generators" benefiting from unfair transmission charges made in Scotland. The cost of electricity to the consumer, give or take the small variations between different vendors, is the same throughout the UK. Of the generators/vendors in the south only one, Southern Electric, is not a subsidiary of a non-UK company – and just happens to be part of Scottish and Southern Energy, based in Perth!

The SNP is thus publicly complaining about an unfair advantage being given to a Scottish company in England.

When the National Grid was established as a private company part of its remit was a pricing policy that favoured environmental concerns, ie minimised pylon spread over the countryside. Not many complaints from Scotland then. Now that attitudes have changed and there is apparently less concern in Scotland about grid expansion this policy may seem a bit antiquated.

Dr A McCormick, Terregles