Raptor risks

Irvine Inglis, (Letters, 30 June), says legislators have taken advice from narrow interest groups when considering legislation in relation to land-management issues and in particular those promoting raptors.

The requirement to study these birds was in large part due to the intense ongoing and illegal persecution they suffer at the hands of another narrow interest group, the shooting industry, which is responsible for creating a countryside which, in places, resembles nothing more than a factory floor to rear pheasants and red grouse on an industrial scale.

This practice is only viable by manipulating the balance of our natural world which means killing all “predators”, hence the clamour from many in the shooting industry to be allowed to kill legally protected buzzards.

If further proof were required, within the past few weeks we have heard of two more dead golden eagles.

Logan D Steele

Bridgewater Avenue

Auchterader, Perthshire