Question of belief

In REPLY to Steuart Campbell (Letters, 3 March), it is worth pointing out that atheists’ distaste for a theological explanation of the origin of life and the origin of the universe has led to many weird and wonderful “scientific” explanations, such as Francis Crick and Fred Hoyle’s invisible aliens seeding the Earth with life-bearing spores.

Furthermore, Albert Einstein was so repulsed by the Big Bang theory – it implied the existence of a beginner – that he fudged his equations. He later admitted that this was the greatest mistake of his life.

Also, surely Mr Campbell must be joking to suggest that “there is something because nothing is an impossible state” is a sufficient explanation. Surely this is more illogical nonsense.

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GK Chesterton stated that those who do not believe in God will end up believing in anything. The origin of the universe explanatory pathway is littered with the debris of fanciful theories and the proponents of the latest of these have surely proved Chesterton to be correct.

David G McKenzie

Jones Street

Kingseat, Fife

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