Power to improve

What a strangely counterproductive article Lesley Riddoch has written, presumably out of a mounting sense of desperation (“Still time to change minds to Yes”, Perspective, 9 June).

She demonstrates what Brian Monteith said (“Momentum moving towards No camp”, Perspective, 9 June), that “the First Minister and his deputy have become more shrill, more aggressive and provocative in their statements”.

Does she really believe that those who intend to vote No want no more than “a return to the ‘good old days’ when citizenship demanded no more than compliance”, that only Yes voters can be “optimists, self-starters and linchpins”? She really ought to get out more.

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She seems to find it inconceivable that among those who believe that “the United Kingdom – warts and all – is actually a 
country we should be proud of and happy to be in” (Brian 
Monteith), and that there are creative idealists who are determined to build a new society not only on the foundations of increased devolved powers but on the best that the United Kingdom has to offer.

Down through the past three centuries visionaries have demonstrated time and time again the power of ordinary citizens to promote change.

John Milne

Ardgowan Avenue
