Paint in a corner

Duncan Macmillan (7 March) bemoans the plight of Scottish art in our capital city – where the Royal Scottish Society of 
Painters in Watercolour (RSW), the Society of Scottish 
Artists (SSA) and Visual Arts Scotland (VAS) are jammed into a small part of the National 

In Glasgow we have the 
glorious, the purpose-built and the empty McLellan Galleries still tantalisingly beyond reach – while the Royal Glasgow 
Institute of the Fine Arts (RGI) faces its own “existential crisis” for want of an alternative 
suitable venue for its 152nd
annual exhibition, traditionally the largest open exhibition in Scotland.

Given that the arts are 
currently so vibrantly clamouring for exposure, and that cultural heritage is such a demonstrable focus of our country’s tourist industry, could we perhaps 
accelerate efforts to address these anomalies… together?

Everyone surely stands to 

Karin Currie

The Royal Glasgow 
Institute of the Fine Arts RGI Kelly Gallery

Douglas Street
