Letter: Tartan Tories

Brian Monteith (Comment, 6 December) calls for the conversion of the Conservative Party into a "right of centre" political party.

This is a description which has no contemporary relevance, since it relates to the seating arrangements in the National Assembly in Paris at the time of the French Revolution in another age.

It is clear, however, that there are now serious differences of opinion among MSPs about who should lead the Conservative Party in the Scottish Parliament after the election in May. These differences appear to relate to the extent to which the Tory MSPs want to put Scotland first.

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Whatever the outcome, we must hope the new leader will be aware that King Canute, in his wisdom, did not believe that his powers extended to stopping the tide from coming in, and he/she will not support a policy for Scotland involving threatening the civilian populations of unspecified countries with bombardment with nuclear weapons in submarines based in the Firth of Clyde: the so-called nuclear deterrent.

(Dr) David Purves

Strathalmond Road


Wouldn't discussion of a federal structure for the UK give the "push-start Scottish Conservatives need"?

Federalism conserves unity with diversity and would meet demands for the devolution of all domestic tax raising and spending powers to Holyrood.

Ellis Thorpe

Old Chapel Walk
