Letter: Real meaning

If NOWADAYS, an alien visited earth and it happened to be Christmas, it would be surprised by the parade of marvellous street lighting, the Christmas trees, the busy people, or the carols echoing in the streets.

What would it think of it? Maybe a homage to a great human, a party to celebrate all his great deeds. But when it realises the figure that represents this Great Human is nothing but a cheap rubber Santa Claus, an omnipresent icon that kids and adults praise, then it would think we're crazy.

The spirit of Christmas means that God turned into a man and shared His existence with us, never being a stranger to our feelings or suffering. Since Jesus stepped on earth, nothing has been the same. He conquered death and sin and gave a new meaning to suffering. For us, to be sons and daughters of God must be a goal and a sacrifice to reach, only this way we'll understand what we are and where we going, towards Him, road, truth and life and yet for so many a stranger.




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