Letter: Question of trust

The letter from the National Trust for Scotland's Kate Mavor (1 June) quite rightly noted that matters are never as simple as presented, and we find this is the case in its completely new interpretation of the McNiven bequest. NTS may now have suddenly decided these funds are "unrestricted", meaning it thinks it can do what it likes with them, but I am afraid we do not at all accept this new interpretation.

The fact is that the trust has, for the past 30 years, treated this specific bequest as restricted, ie to be used as Miss McNiven wished, and has administered it that way. Now it has decided to declare these funds "unrestricted", so they may be released for NTS's general use.

It is a very definite move away from its policy and practice of the past 30 years and is a very convenient re-interpretation of a bequest because it is now short of money.

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It does not convince and flies in the face of a common sense interpretation of any legacy, which makes a point of including reference to the wishes of the donor.

The council, chief executive and staff of the NTS entered into certain arrangements and commitments with this community ten years ago. It did so on the basis of its interpretation of the will at that time, and now wishes to tear all this up. In so doing it ignores the wishes of a lady from our community - who kindly left the money in the care of the trust to be used in that community - and damages a valuable community project.

Malcolm Windsor

Duddingston Village Conservation Society

Duddingston House Courtyard
