Letter: Porn truths

A teacher discussing internet pornography conspiratorially with pupils should certainly face disciplinary procedures (your report, 10 November).

However, how many schools teach children clearly about the inherent immorality and dangers of pornography? Is it just another issue subsumed in the amoral "anything goes if you feel like it - just be careful" message routinely given to young people about sexual matters? Is the educational objective to "explore the issues" and write great essays on the topic, or to inculcate a moral standard, passionately presenting the case and the evidence?

Perhaps students are confused as to why a teacher is disciplined for talking about something that they have been taught is an acceptable choice. Children will not be fooled by a hypocritical code that prohibits teachers discussing it with pupils, and pupils talking about it to teachers, while everyone knows that it really isn't a big deal.

Richard Lucas



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