Letter: Political black art

SEVERAL more examples of the “black art of post-truth politics” could be added to those mentioned by Iain Gray in his perceptive and thought-provoking article (Perspective, 1 March).

There is, for example, the free interchange of the words, “Salmond”, “Scotland” and “SNP”, all having exactly the same meaning in post-truth politics.

There is the equally misleading “people of Scotland” usage, which, in truth, misses out and ignores the 80 per cent or so of the total electorate that chose not to vote SNP. There is the demand for referendum votes for 16- and 17-year-olds, the exclusion of Scots living elsewhere in the UK from the referendum, the loaded question, the multi-choice paper, all purporting to be for fairness but in fact merely post-truth politics manifesting itself once more.

It truly beggars belief that people could be fooled by such distortions of fact.

Alexander McKay

New Cut Rigg


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