Letter: Moore foolery

Scottish Secretary Michael Moore says that "we're not putting obstacles in the way of the Scottish Parliament (Leader, 7 June) then he says "it is certainly my personal view", rather than the Westminster government's view, that "you would need a second referendum" for independence.

No doubt the second referendum will be based on a "poison pill" settlement to ensure that it failed. Compare this with the Westminster government's rush to recognise the newly independent South Sudan, which ceded with a single simple majority referendum.

Indeed, the much-praised Good Friday agreement allows Northern Ireland to cede from the UK with a single majority referendum. Does Mr Moore wish to destabilise the hard fought Northern Ireland agreement by trying to negotiate a second referendum or is he singling out Scotland for special frustration?

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Indeed, as a Tory governor-general of Scotland, he is giving Messrs Forsyth and Rifkind a good run for their money.

"The Scots outside looked from Tory to Lib Dem, and from Lib Dem to Tory, and from Tory to Lib Dem again; but already it was impossible to say which was which" - with apologies to George Orwell.

Michael N Crosby


By Linlithgow

Will politicians never learn? "Yes" will be the result of the first referendum. "No" will be the result of the second, third and fourth.

Andrew Haughney

Lady Road
