House room

As an architect, it is possible to sympathise with Mrs Jean Hunt of Thorntonhall, whose life has been "made a misery" by the tearing up of her neighbourhood so "huge" new houses can be built on cleared plots (your report, 14 April). This is the hot new wheeze when big bucks want to move into a desirable residential enclave when there are no more vacant plots to build on.

In many cases – where an indifferent existing house is being replaced by a well-designed new one – this is justified, but the planners (as so often) are failing to control the design of these new "mansions". Basically, they lack the skills and the will to do so.

The drawings of Michelle Mone's vastly extended house, which you publish, illustrate this perfectly. Ill-proportioned, oversized and, frankly, vulgar, I would not want to live close to it.


Leslie Street

Blairgowrie, Perthshire