Flu prevention

It was with great concern that I read that more than two-thirds of those eligible for the seasonal flu jab have yet to be vaccinated (your report, 4 November).

GPs are prepared for this winter’s battle against the flu bug. Across the country, surgeries have put in place the systems needed to reach and protect as many older and at-risk Scots as possible. It is never too late to get immunised, and those in the at-risk group should take up their GPs’ offer of a vaccination and be protected this winter.

For most, flu makes us feel miserable but it doesn’t actually pose any serious risks to our health. Unfortunately, for the more vulnerable, it can cause serious complications and even lead to death.

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By having the vaccination, patients over 65 and those under 65 “at risk” can reduce both the likelihood of getting flu and the severity of the illness for those unfortunate enough to catch it. This will go some way to helping reduce winter pressure on Scotland’s busy hospitals.

(Dr) Dean Marshall

BMA Scottish General Practitioners Committee

Queen Street


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