Face the fear

I’ve changed my mind about the dangers from the SNP having seen a photographs of some of its smiling councillors lined up behind Alex Salmond and a flag.

They all look rather benign having just enjoyed a favourite game and won an orange and an apple each. Maybe being mauled by them will not be as scary as I thought.

Moreover all the slightly vulnerable looking faces reminded me of the times I’ve been impressed by a big new car flashing along the motorway and then being disappointed by how irrelevant the driver looked. It’s so easy to be misled by the shiny shell.

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It’s a humbling thought also that their ability to use arithmetic as a tool is no better than the rest of us. Given the mathematical basis given for their claims of victory, the average Martian visiting an independent Scotland is more likely to believe the Zoo panda’s opinion that less than 50 per cent is actually less than a half.


