Environmental economy

Bill Jamieson's view that environmental interests have no place in contributing to Scotland's economic development (Opinion, 25 May) is short-sighted. Studies have repeatedly shown the economic value of Scotland's environment, and the Stern report alerted the world to the economic cost of further environmental damage. Poverty and inequality also have a huge economic cost, in addition to the human cost.

Developing a sustainable economy must mean caring for the environment and social justice. If Bill Jamieson is against sustainable development and just wants to see the accumulation of profits regardless of the consequences, perhaps he should just say that?

I am delighted that Alex Salmond, the First Minister, has responded positively to our proposal that his new economic advisory council should include social and environmental expertise. There are too many economic decisions made which do not help Scottish children who are growing up below the poverty line - and too many that will cause more climate change and more polluted environments here and abroad.

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It is time for a balanced approach to the economy that sees social and environmental issues as core objectives, not irritating distractions from the pursuit of profit.

PATRICK HARVIE, MSP, Scottish Parliament