Disastrous idea

I note Alex Orr (Letters, 15 April) seems to wholeheartedly support the potentially disastrous idea of lowering the voting age to 16. In doing this, Mr Orr tilts his hand regarding his political convictions. The only party, in Scotland at least, to benefit from this idea would be the SNP who would mercilessly exploit the relative naivety of young people for their own ends.

Young people, well intentioned though they may be, tend to think with their hearts and not their heads, and to them, the idea of an independent Scotland would be an excellent one, with not a thought to the chaos that would accompany such a risky move.

To actually introduce such harebrained legislation would radically change the face of UK politics, and not for the better either.

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The only other enthusiast for such a foolish move would undoubtedly be that patriotic Scot, Sir Sean Connery, who will do anything for his country other than actually live here.


Keith Street
