John Gibson: Drummond won’t damn the tram

UNIQUE almost, in that Gordon Drummond can summon a ready smile when you mention the trams. Talk trams and most Edinburghers would like to see the perpetrators of the Capital’s endless comic saga curl up and die.

Mr Drummond, in the concluding part of this interview, has good reason to crack a smile. He is general manager of Harvey Nichols and eventually there’ll be a tram stop at his door in St Andrew Square.

‘‘The fact that the city’s trams are three years late undoubtedly has tarnished things but, yes, I’m delighted with the whole concept of having trams in the city.

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‘‘The entire system has been dramatically scaled back, we know, and I’m disappointed it won’t be going down to Leith. What I’m saying will be construed, perhaps, as self-interest. To a degree, yes, but we’ve been on a promise here for three years.’’

Mr Drummond has been an Edinburgh resident for 25 years. He has been in Harvey Nicks employ in Aberdeen, London, Bristol and Newcastle.

He is an unabashed champion of St Andrew Square and, viewing it from the revamped top fourth floor of the store, he adds: “Beautiful’s the word for the Square. Trams won’t do it harm. If anything, they’ll enhance it.”

Afterwords . .

. . . spotted by the ever-vigilant Norrie Rowan, the poster outside the Tron Kirk proclaiming “Come in and see a free burlesque show.” Reasons Norrie: “I wonder what Jesus would say to that.”