From the archives: Super-abundance of bright sunshine in Scotland; 12 July 1930

IT IS of interest to recall that since the year 1925 June has, for a summer month, always been abnormally cold, and, indeed, the month of June 1927 was the coldest June experienced over Scotland for at least 50 years.

This was again followed in 1928 by a June almost equally as cold, whilst last year the temperature for the same month again fell below the normal. With 
June 1930, however, there came a welcome though somewhat belated break in this undesirable sequence, and over Scotland the month was characterised by a prolonged spell of very warm, calm weather coupled with a super-abundant supply of bright sunshine. The mean temperature for the month was, over Scotland as a whole, above that of the normal June, and as already mentioned it was the warmest June since 1925.


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