From the archive: Working Man Will Get a Better Deal, 6 September, 1948

Speaking at a Unionist fete in the grounds of Alloa House on Saturday, Mr R. A. Butler, MP, said that great interest was being shown in the outline of constructive policy which the Conservative Party was in process of preparing.

“Ours may be described as ‘the Charter approach’,” he said. “The word ‘Charter’ is associated in our history with the various codes of liberties and opportunities upon which the British Constitution was based. It is the first duty of Conservatives to shield and guard our Constitutional liberties, which are threatened by the curtailment of the power of the Second Chamber and 
by the growing strength of bureaucracy. Next, we must try to find some practical solution of the problems loosely comprised in the term ‘industrial democracy.’ Our Industrial and Agricultural Workers’ Charters are, therefore, a beginning.”

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