From the Archive: Sectional strike in Leith roperie works

The Scotsman, 5 July 1913

ABOUT forty women in the employment of the Edinburgh Roperie and Sailcloth Company, Bath Street, Leith, have come out on strike. It appears that about a week ago several of the female employees in one of the departments struck work for a change in the system of pay.

They demanded to be paid at time rates instead of piece rates. This was eventually granted, they getting 12s. 6d. a week with a bonus of 1s. if a full week was worked. The employers state that the present strikers were working on piecework, and when the 1s. bonus was granted to those others, they refuised to continue work until they got a promise of something similar. At present, it is stated, they could make from 14s to 18s weekly.


• SETTLEMENT has been obtained in connection with the strike at Douglas Park Colliery, Bellshill, on account of which 500 men were thrown idle.