We’re officially a nations of dog owners, with the UK’s most popular pet living in around one-in-three households (and rising).
That means that there are around three million pooches living here, with more people choosing to join the army of dog lovers every week.
There are a whopping 221 different breeds of pedigree dog to choose from, alongside numerous crossbreeds, so there’s plenty of thinking to do before you select your family’s latest addition.
Our lifestyle has a huge bearing on which type of dog will work best for us – if you have limited space you might want to look at small dogs, while the more elderly pet owner should place certain breeds at the top of their wishlist.
There’s even academic guidance to seek out, with Psychologist Stanley Coren’s book ‘The Intelligence of Dogs’ ranking breeds by instincts, obedience, and the ability to adapt.
But if you are looking for a dog to benefit your mental health you should consider one of the breeds that are proven to make good emotional support animals.
These are gentle, laid-back and sociable pets that provide their owners with therapeutic benefits, including anxiety relief and making them feel more comfortable in certain social settings.
They’re also thought to sense when you are not at your best, lavishing you with extra affection to help you feel better.
Here are the 10 most empathetic breeds of dog, according to the American Kennel Club.

1. Border Collie
One of the most intelligent dog breeds, the Border Collie is used to responding to cues to herd sheep. This extends to sensing when something is wrong with their families and quickly offering comfort in the form of affection. Photo: Canva/Getty Images

2. Cocker Spaniel
Particularly well-suited to supporting children with mental health challenges, the Cocker Spaniel is a sweet and consistant companion with long, silky, therapeutic fur. Photo: Canva/Getty Images

3. German Shepherd
German Shepherds may be used for everything from drug detection to crowd control, but they are also highly emotionally intelligent and eager to please. They are particularly accomplished as emotional support animals in public spaces. Photo: Canva/Getty Images

4. Labrador Retriever
The Labrador Retriever is arguably the most empathic breed of dog, with an innate skill to know how their owners are feeling. They are gentle, friendly and eager to please. Anybody who has ever owned a Lab will know that they can make any situation seem slightly better. Their Golden Retriever cousins also make wonderful therapy dogs. Photo: Canva/Getty Images