If you’ve been thinking about getting a new dog then you’re not alone – Kennel Club figures show that the number of people looking for puppies has surged to record levels over recent years.
But with 221 different breeds of pedigree dog to choose from, there’s plenty of thinking to do before you select your family’s latest four-legged addition – whether you want a large dog, family-friendly dog, or crossbreed.
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Different breeds of dog also tend to have very different personalities – with some dogs happy to get on with pretty much anybody.
Others form a particularly strong bond with their owner and family that is non-transferable and will last for life.
Here are 10 of the most loyal breeds of dog, according to the American Kennel Club.
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1. Beagle
Bred to hunt in packs, Beagles naturally bond with other dogs and are loyal to the pack leader - it's owner. They also develop deep relationships with children that will last for the rest of the dog's life. Photo: Canva/Getty Images

2. Akita
Topping the list of the most loyal dog is the Akita which are described by the American Kennel Club as being "profoundly loyal". One famous Japanese Akita, called Hachiko, continued to wait at a train station every day for 10 years after his owner's death, hoping he'd eventually return home. Photo: Canva/Getty Images

3. Boxer
The Boxer is naturally protective of its family, forming a non-transferable bond that is unbreakable. They are also very patient with children and show little in the way of aggression. Photo: Canva/Getty Images

4. Skye Terrier
Made famous by the story of Greyfriars Bobby, the dog who stood guard at his master's grave in Edinburgh for 14 years, the Skye Terrier is described by the American Kennel Club as beig “famously loyal and devoted". Photo: Canva/Getty Images