These are 10 of the most child-friendly breeds of dogs.These are 10 of the most child-friendly breeds of dogs.
These are 10 of the most child-friendly breeds of dogs.

Family Dogs 2024: Here are the 10 best breeds of adorable dog for households with young children - including the loving Labrador Retriever 🐶

These dog breeds are known to get on particularly well with youngsters, making them the perfect choice for families – or those planning a family.

A huge number of us decided to welcome new puppies into our homes over the last few years – according to the Kennel Club dog ownership has soared to record levels, with around one-in-three UK households now including at least one four-legged friend of the canine kind.

There are a whopping 221 different breeds of pedigree dog to choose from, alongside numerous crossbreeds, so there’s plenty of thinking to do before you select your family’s latest addition.

There’s even academic guidance to seek out, with Psychologist Stanley Coren’s book ‘The Intelligence of Dogs’ ranking breeds by instincts, obedience, and the ability to adapt.

Choosing the right breed is absolutely essential – for example opting for a small dog if you don’t have much room at home, or a hypoallergenic dog if you suffer from allergies.

Another thing to take into account is that certain breeds are far more suitable for young families.

Here, according to the American Kennel Club, are the dog breeds that should be at the top of your wish list if you have children.

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