Welsh paediatric nurse Georgie is a self proclaimed "cannoli connoisseur", with Italian roots. In addition to baking, she is keen forager who lives alongside her husband and three children in a farmhouse with 10 chickens, two ducks, two dogs and a cat. | Channel 4/Love Productions/Mark Bourdillon/PA Wire
Also from Lancashire is 53-year-old senior category manager Gill. Speaking on her love of baking, she says she can't remember a time when she didn't and has spent time raising money for charity by baking in the past. Outside of baking, Gill was also the UK's youngest driving instructor, aged 21, in 1993.
| Channel 4/Love Productions/Mark Bourdillon/PA Wire
From Kent, 71-year-old Hazel is the highlight of family gatherings as a result of her creations. With four children and 10 grandchildren, the former nail technician has made car cakes with working lights remote controlled wheels and more. | Channel 4/Love Productions/Mark Bourdillon/PA Wire
At 31, Norfolk Bake Off contestant Illiyin is a published author and qualified midwife. She enjoys incorporating many cultures into her baking using a variety of ingredients. Speaking about meeting hosts Alison and Noel for the first time, she said: "I was a little starstruck when I first met them having watched both of them for years. I think I was probably a little bit like a goldfish with my mouth opening and closing and no noise coming out!" | Channel 4/Love Productions/Mark Bourdillon/PA Wire