Five must-see films about assassins including John Wick - and where to stream them

Uma Thurman plays The Bride in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill Volumes One and Two.Uma Thurman plays The Bride in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill Volumes One and Two.
Uma Thurman plays The Bride in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill Volumes One and Two. | Contributed
The hitman is a popular cinematic character - and these films are all guaranteed to slay.

Cinema fans are currently enjoying American director David Fincher's latest film, starring Michael Fassbender - The Killer.

Released both on the big screen and on Netflix, it follows the titular character in search of revenge after a hit goes wrong.

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If you enjoyed it, here are five more great films featuring assassins.

John Wick (Now TV Cinema)

Keanu Reeves plays a former professional killer who just wants to relax, enjoy retirement and mourn his late wife. But when a gang of mobsters steal his car and kill his beloved dog he find himself sucked back into the dark underworld where he used to ply his trade. There are another three equally action-packed sequels that follow his eye-popping adventures.

Grosse Pointe Blank (Amazon Video)

Martin Q. Blank, played by John Cusack, is an assassin who has fallen out of love with his job. He returns to his hometown of Grosse Point to combine a 10 year school reunion with a hit, but has to contend with a former flame and a rival professional killer - played by Dan Aykroyd in a scene-stealing role. It all combines to make a sublime black comedy.

Kill Bill (MGM+)

Quentin Tarantino's hyper-violent two-part epic sees yet another former assassin out for revenge. This time it's Uma Thurman's Bride, who spends over four hours making her way through a hit list of those who have wronged her, finishing with Bill himself (David Caradine), an ex who tried to have her killed during her wedding.

Léon: The Professional (Google Play)

Originally known simpy as Leon, this Luc Besson film sees Natalie Portman make her big screen debut as a 12-year-old who is taken in by a hitman after her family are killed by a corrupt law enforcer (Gary Oldman). Jean Reno is at his best as the quirky plant-loving assassin who teaches his young protege the tricks of the trade.

No Country For Old Men (Netflix)

Hired killers don't come any more terrifying than Javier Bardem's bolt pistol-wielding psychopath in the Coen Brothers' Oscar-winning Western. He's out to recover a big bag of cash found by Josh Brolin's Vietnam vet, while Tommy Lee Jones' sheriff just wants to lock them both up.

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