Rangers told to 'stop whining and moaning like a baby' over SPFL by ex-Celtic and Aberdeen ace

Charlie Nicholas hit out at Rangers. Picture: SNSCharlie Nicholas hit out at Rangers. Picture: SNS
Charlie Nicholas hit out at Rangers. Picture: SNS | Other 3rd Party
Charlie Nicholas has called on Rangers to “move on”

Charlie Nicholas has launched a withering attack on Rangers over their demand for an independent inquiry into the process of the SPFL’s resolution to terminate the leagues below the Scottish Premiership.

It was confirmed on Monday that the organisation’s board of directors have called an extraordinary general meeting for next month following the Ibrox side’s request, backed by both Hearts and Stranraer.

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Despite serious concerns expressed by clubs, ex-Celtic and Aberdeen forward Nicholas has told Rangers it is “time to move on”.

In a stinging criticism of the club in his Daily Express column, he believes it is acting as a cover for the club’s failings on the pitch.

"Rangers need to stop whining and moaning like a baby. It is time to move on,” he said.

"Ibrox chairman Douglas Park is pushing for an independent inquiry into how the SPFL handled the lower-league vote, yet they don't want to share any information they have on why they are questioning it.

"What exactly do they want? They don't want Celtic winning the title, that much is clear. They want the season declared null and void to camouflage their own failures on the pitch.

"Celtic have done the best thing possible, which is staying out of the arguments because they don't need to get involved and they also have the most to lose.”

Nicholas has called on clubs to put self-interest to one side and remember the game is about the fans.

He said: "All we are hearing is, "My team shouldn't be relegated"and "Your team shouldn't win the league". It looks as if everybody is trying to make football as awkward as they can.

"Football is about the fans. It came from the people and the supporters seem to have been forgotten in all this."