Police searching for young man in Aberdeenshire

Matthew was last seen around 1200 hours on Tuesday in the Forfar area. Picture: Police ScotlandMatthew was last seen around 1200 hours on Tuesday in the Forfar area. Picture: Police Scotland
Matthew was last seen around 1200 hours on Tuesday in the Forfar area. Picture: Police Scotland
Police Scotland is appealing for assistance in tracing a 27-year-old man who went missing from the Luthermuir area of Aberdeenshire.

Police Scotland is searching for a young man named Matthew Cavanagh who was last seen around 12 pm on Tuesday in the Forfar area.

The man, who is slim and around 6ft 2, has access to a Red Mazda CX3 motor vehicle with number plate registration SV68HUJ.

If you have any information on Matthew's whereabouts or you have sighted his vehicle, please call 101 reporting incident 3262 of 10/09/2019.