Motorist arrested on suspicion of murder after killing 2 in Coventry rampage sectioned under Mental Health Act

A man who was arrested on suspicion of murder following a car rampage in Coventry has been sectioned under the Mental Health Act

A motorist who was arrested on suspicion of murder after both a pedestrian and cyclist were hit by a car has been sectioned under the Mental Health Act. Emergency services were called to a scene in Coventry on Sunday (September 3).

They rushed to the scene after a vehicle ploughed into several people before crashing into a house at around 8am. A 44-year-old pedestrian was killed in Gosford Road during the rampage.

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Elsewhere, a 44-year-old cyclist also died after being hit on Woodway Lane. In the wake of the incidents, West Midlands Police arrested a 33-year-old man who fled the scene on foot after smashing into a house in Beckbury Road.

On Monday, a day after the attack (September 4), the force revealed the suspect had been detained under the Mental Health Act while investigations continue.

A police spokesperson said: “Our thoughts are with the families and friends of those who have tragically lost their lives, and we’ll be doing all we can to support them during this deeply distressing time.

“We’re not looking for anyone else in connection with what happened, and from the information we have this is not being treated as terror-related. Our enquiries are continuing and anyone who can assist is asked to contact us via Live Chat on our website, or by calling 101, and quote log 854 of 3/9/23.”

Superintendent Ronan Tyrer, from Coventry Local Policing Area, said previously: “We have now informed the families of all those involved in today’s tragic incidents and our thoughts remain firmly with them at this truly devastating time.

Barry Dean / SWNS

“We are still in the very early stages of our investigations and we have several scenes across Coventry which also means that some roads will be closed for a considerable time. We are also searching CCTV and making enquiries and would appeal to anyone who has any information that could help our investigations to contact us at their earliest opportunity.”



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