Four tips on how to winter-proof your driveway according to experts, as temperatures to plummet again

Despite a brief respite for some parts of the UK from sub zero temperatures, cold weather is due to return

With temperatures still remaining firmly sub zero for multiple parts of the UK, experts have shared their top four tips for properly preparing your driveway for the winter.

Many areas around the UK were issued with weather warnings via the Met Office for snow, ice and more. London, for example, experienced heavy snow recently.

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Ice can be a big problem for driveways. It can cause cracks and when it thaws, slip into those cracks and make it worse.

The cost to repave a driveway is huge, and can creep into the thousands. This isn’t something you’ll want to be doing with the cost of living crisis and during one of the most expensive periods of the year.

But thankfully, experts from Marshalls have provided four wonderful tips to help you when your driveway inevitably gets icy. These tips include filling the joints and removing snow and ice manually.

Anna Hampshire, Head of Marketing at Marshalls, has commented: “If you’re considering different materials for your driveway, you may be wondering which material would be most suited to the look you want to achieve and doesn’t require too much maintenance.

“Concrete is a hard-wearing, long-lasting driveway material choice and can be finished in a surprising number of ways, as the poured variety can be stamped with patterns. It has a very long lifespan of four decades or more.

“Block paving allows excess water to drain away from the ground’s surface, which helps to avoid flash flooding. As well as simply looking good, if a small section of a paved driveway becomes damaged, it is relatively easy to repair in isolation. Those who like to do their bit for the environment will also find block paving delivers if they opt for a permeable product.

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“Whichever material you select for your driveway, the most important fact to remember is that this is what you’ll return home to for years to come. So, take your time, do your research and make the choice that’s best for you.”

Fill the joints

If your driveway is made from block paving, it’s vital to keep topping up the joints between the blocks so they stay sturdy. When you’re refilling, first clean the surface and leave it to dry. Then, scatter the sand across and – using a bristle broom – brush the sand into the joints.

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Regularly clean your driveway

Cleaning your driveway and keeping it presentable is something we should all strive to do, but during the winter months it’s more important. Keep it clear of excess leaves during this time to prevent a build-up of dirt and debris.

Stay away from grit salt and harsh chemicals

This tip is mainly if you have grass in your driveway. Salt and harsh chemical use may cause grass and leaves to brown or even die and can also cause damage to your vehicle.

The colder months can bring snow and ice onto patios and driveways. Shovelling snow off your driveway is the best way to keep it safe. You’ll have a clear path and cracks will be less likely.

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