Animal charity Blue Cross guidance on how to prepare your dog for a walk as temperatures plummet

Dogs can be susceptible to the cold just as much as us humans, so here’s how to prepare them for a walk this winter according to animal charity Blue Cross

Animal charity Blue Cross has issued advice on how to best prepare your dog for a winter walk. This comes as temperatures have plummeted all over the UK, with many areas in the UK being issued with weather warnings for snow and ice.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said that the Met Office has warned ‘that all of England will experience cold weather from 9am on Monday January 16 to 9am on Friday January 20’.

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Jason Kelly, Chief Meteorologist at the Met Office, said: “Cold, icy and sometimes snowy conditions are in the forecast this week with the UK seeing more of a north-westerly regime, with temperatures well below average for the time of year. Wintry showers are likely at points through the week in the north of England.”

It’s not just us humans who feel the impact of sub-zero temperatures though, as our canine companions can also struggle with the cold. Some dogs love the cold, however some are not so fortunate.

But, as mentioned, animal charity Blue Cross have issued advice on how to prepare your dog for a walk during the colder months. Some of these tips include trimming the hair around their paws and more

How to prepare your dog for a walk in the winter according to Blue Cross

  • Trim the hair around your dog’s feet to help prevent ice-balls – these form between the pads and toes of the feet and are really painful
  • If you walk on salted pavements wash your dog’s paws after a walk because salt and grit can irritate their footpads. This will also prevent them from licking any salt or grit off their feet.
  • Stay away from frozen ponds or lakes and keep your dog on a lead near frozen water. If they do run on to it, it’s tempting to go after them but it’s really important that you don’t. Most dogs are strong swimmers and are more likely to get themselves out of trouble than you are.
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  • If your dog is less active during the winter months, don’t forget to cut back a bit on what you feed them
  • If your dog has arthritis, it can be worse for them in the cold weather. If they start to show signs of discomfort please contact a vet as soon as possible.



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