The Scotsman Crossword and yesterday's answers 9/6/20

The Scotsman crosswordThe Scotsman crossword
The Scotsman crossword | JPIMedia
Here is today’s Scotsman crossword grid and clues, along with the solution for yesterday.

This is provided during lockdown for those who would like to print off and complete.


1 Meat pastry descriptive of item in ... (4,3)

5 ... milliners outlet that’s hoped for (3,4)

9 Soft beverage to be placed around an alcoholic one (7)

10 Lizard to keep an eye on? (7)

11 Fog allowed to loom over old English plant (9)

12 Fifth letter sent by Somerset town (5)

13 Fold-marks about removed in luggage (5)

15 Provision to peruse popular regular verses (9)

16 Single lead deployed, having sent coded message (9)

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18 People gathered to eat are active after dessert finishes (5)

21 Roll antiquity in barrel (5)

22 Dine out on assorted grub at hotel in city (9)

24 I am real reformed character from Western movie town (7)

26 Zoo personnel identified with finders (7)

27 Organise accommodation for high-tech tyre (3-4)

28 Formerly healthy son finally breathes out (7)

DOWN1 Aggressive argument delivered through amplifier on rod (7)

2 See arms being assembled by a pharaoh (7)

3 Harbour that could be formed in fresh or sea water is precious (5)

4 Choose to have spoken of French achievement, having lost seat (9,6)

5 Children make Sam construct symbol uniting workers and peasants (6,3,6)

6 Can square one number (3)

7 Bomb in wartime may cause painful realisation (3,4)

8 Analyse gas at astronomical distance (7)

12 Coquette to move house around this end of road (5)

14 Wrap playwright with love (5)

16 More nuanced resort to bluster (7)

17 Astronaut makes use of jelly coated with spirit (7)

19 Weight to lift at sound of closing time? (7)

20 Sleep he’s used to finding in city of Asia Minor (7)

23 Tree to pull up away from water, we hear (5) 25 This girl or guy is a honey (3)

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