SNP demand details of Johnson's plan to quarantine UK arrivals

The UK Government could be set to announce a mandatory 14-day quarantine for all travellers into Britain.

Joanna Cherry MP has asked for the UK government to provide details of its plan to quarantine UK arrivals.

The SNP’s Shadow Home Secretary called on Priti Patel to make a statement before Parliament, saying the “devil will be in the detail.”

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It comes amid details from a leaked report that suggests Boris Johnson will announce the quarantine measures in an address to the nation on Sunday.

The SNP’s Shadow Home Secretary called on Priti Patel to make a statement before Parliament, saying the “devil will be in the detail.”The SNP’s Shadow Home Secretary called on Priti Patel to make a statement before Parliament, saying the “devil will be in the detail.”
The SNP’s Shadow Home Secretary called on Priti Patel to make a statement before Parliament, saying the “devil will be in the detail.” | Other 3rd Party

Under the proposals, which are expected to be implemented in June, all passengers arriving at airports and ports will be required to provide an address at which they will immediately self-isolate for 14 days.

This latest intervention from the Edinburgh South West MP comes after she wrote to Ms Patel last month to express concerns about the lack of action taken on foreign arrivals.

Commenting on the issue, Ms Cherry said: “I have been calling for, the Home Secretary must come before Parliament on Monday to make a statement setting out exactly what is being proposed, when it will come into force, and why it has taken until now to be implemented.

“It is deeply concerning that the Home Secretary has taken so long to act – and allowed thousands of people to enter the UK without appropriate checks or measures in place.

“Other countries in Europe and across the world introduced these measures months ago. The UK government has been far too slow to act and must now explain why it has taken until now to step up to prevent increased risk of transmission.

“For people to have confidence in the UK government's approach, it is crucial they put these long-overdue measures in place immediately and set out how this will form part of a considered strategy for easing the lockdown.”

A Home Office spokeswoman told the PA news agency: "We do not comment on leaks. The focus remains on staying at home to protect the NHS and save lives."

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