BBC settles equal pay claim with Newswatch host Samira Ahmed

Journalist and broadcaster Samira Ahmed (centre) arrives at the Central London Employment Tribunal alongside fellow BBC presenter Naga Munchetty (left)Journalist and broadcaster Samira Ahmed (centre) arrives at the Central London Employment Tribunal alongside fellow BBC presenter Naga Munchetty (left)
Journalist and broadcaster Samira Ahmed (centre) arrives at the Central London Employment Tribunal alongside fellow BBC presenter Naga Munchetty (left) | pa
Samira Ahmed and the BBC have reached a settlement after the presenter won her equal pay claim against the corporation.

An employment tribunal announced last month that the Newswatch host should have been paid the same as Jeremy Vine earned on Points Of View.

The BBC had argued the two presenters were not doing similar work.

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Samira Ahmed wins sex discrimination equal pay case against BBC
Newswatch host Samira AhmedNewswatch host Samira Ahmed
Newswatch host Samira Ahmed | pa

"Samira is a highly valued BBC presenter and now these matters have been concluded we all want to focus on the future.

"We look forward to continuing to work together to make great programmes for audiences. Neither the BBC, Samira or the NUJ will be commenting further on this case."

Ahmed asked why she was paid £465 per episode of Newswatch while Vine was paid up to £3,000 for each episode of Points Of View, work she described as comparable.

The corporation had argued that Newswatch was a "relatively niche" programme which aired on the BBC News channel, while describing Points Of View as "extremely well-known".

"I love working for the BBC," she said. "I'm glad it's been resolved."

Ahmed added: "I'm now looking forward to continuing to do my job, to report on stories and not being one."

She has been among several female talents at the BBC to voice their concerns over pay equality following an outcry over former China editor Carrie Gracie's salary compared to male colleagues in similar roles.

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