Michael Kelly: Why educational choice must be limited to provide equality

HOW far is the state entitled to limit parental choice in education? It would be a tough question on a political science exam paper. It's even harder for those at the sharp end of the education system who have to have a stab at it.

In particular, this is the practical challenge currently imposed by the courts on East Renfrewshire Council over its flagship denominational school, St Ninian's. The 25-year-old secondary has proved so successful its roll now stands at 1,731, with parental pressure threatening to push it further every year.

And it is no wonder these concerned middle-class activists send their solicitors to gather at the school gates waving writs demanding right of access. The school is extraordinarily successful. The most recent report by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education (HMIe) gave it an outstanding endorsement. It was praised for the excellent leadership of its head teacher and staff and for the "exemplary behaviour, hard work, courtesy and attainment" demonstrated by its pupils. Unsurprisingly, this led to exam results well above the national average.

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