Letters: Hoteliers should be concerned about 'hostile attitude' to Edinburgh tourism

Edinburghs council leader has suggested a major rethink of the citys Hogmanay celebrations could see it scaled back from its global bucket list status. Pic: Ian GeorgesonEdinburghs council leader has suggested a major rethink of the citys Hogmanay celebrations could see it scaled back from its global bucket list status. Pic: Ian Georgeson
Edinburghs council leader has suggested a major rethink of the citys Hogmanay celebrations could see it scaled back from its global bucket list status. Pic: Ian Georgeson | jpimedia
'Do we really want to go back to those so-called good old days?'

Russell Imrie and the Edinburgh Hotels Association (your report, 31 December) should be concerned about the hostile attitude to Edinburgh tourism.

I recall a headline in The Scotsman just after a Hogmanay in the 1990s bemoaning that there was nothing to do in Edinburgh on New Year, nothing was open and that visitors could only find food in our much loved and hardworking Asian ­restaurants.

Yes, there must be balance, but do we really want to go back to those so-called good old days?

David Adams

Newton Street, Blairgowrie

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